Email Marketing
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Yahoo and Google's 2024 email marketing standards: A game changer for restaurants

Yahoo and Google's 2024 email marketing standards emphasizes the need for enhanced security, authentication, and user experience. Learn about changes required and the benefits of compliance.

A blog post hero image with an email marketing icon behind a teal background and gradation

Email marketing remains a vital tool for businesses, including those in the restaurant industry. As we step into 2024, Yahoo and Google have rolled out new email marketing standards that promise to reshape the way restaurants engage with their customers.

This blog post dives into these changes and explains why it's crucial for restaurant businesses to adapt to these new standards.

Understanding the Email Marketing New Standards

Yahoo and Google, two of the biggest players in the email service provider market, have introduced standards that emphasize user privacy, email authentication, and user experience. These standards include:

1. Enhanced Privacy Protocols: With growing concerns over data privacy, the new standards require businesses to adopt stricter data protection measures. This means ensuring that customer data is securely stored and that emails contain clear opt-out options.

2. Improved Email Authentication: To combat phishing and spam, the standards mandate the use of authentication protocols like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance). These protocols help verify the sender's identity, ensuring that the emails are legitimate and trustworthy.

3. User Experience Focus: The standards prioritize the user experience by encouraging responsive email design, faster loading times, and relevant, personalized content. This is particularly important for restaurants, where enticing visuals and timely offers can significantly impact customer engagement.

A blog post image showing Yahoo and Gmail email marketing icons.

Why Restaurant Businesses Need to Adapt

Adapting to these new standards is not just about compliance; it's about leveraging the opportunities they present. Here's why restaurant businesses should embrace these changes:

1. Build Trust with Customers: By adhering to enhanced privacy and authentication protocols, restaurants can demonstrate their commitment to customer safety and build trust. This is crucial in an era where consumers are increasingly wary of data breaches and spam.

2. Improve Email Deliverability: Implementing the required email authentication protocols can significantly improve deliverability rates. Emails that pass authentication checks are less likely to be flagged as spam, ensuring that your messages reach your customers' inboxes.

3. Enhance Customer Engagement: By focusing on user experience, restaurants can create more engaging and visually appealing emails. This can lead to higher open and click-through rates, driving more traffic to your website or reservation platform.

4. Stay Ahead of the Competition: Adapting to these standards can give your restaurant a competitive edge. By offering a safer and more engaging email experience, you can stand out in a crowded market and attract more customers.

Implementing the Changes

To comply with Yahoo and Google's 2024 email marketing standards, restaurants should:

1. Review and update their data protection policies to ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
2. Work with their IT team or email service provider to implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols.
3. Optimize their email design for responsiveness and fast loading times.
4. Personalize their content based on customer preferences and behavior.

Ramifications of Non-Compliance

Ignoring Yahoo and Google's 2024 email marketing standards can have significant repercussions for restaurant businesses.

First and foremost, failure to comply with privacy regulations can lead to legal penalties and damage to your reputation. Additionally, without proper email authentication, your messages are more likely to be marked as spam, resulting in decreased deliverability and visibility.

This can lead to a loss of customer engagement and potential revenue, as your promotional emails and newsletters fail to reach your audience. Moreover, neglecting user experience in your email design can lead to higher unsubscribe rates and diminished brand loyalty.

In a competitive market, falling behind in email marketing standards can give your competitors an advantage, as customers gravitate towards businesses that offer a safer and more enjoyable email experience. Recommended reading: Guide to Email Marketing Personalization Trends in 2024.

The Good News

Restaurants using GoGoGuest email marketing customers can easily implement the changes required by two of the largest email client platforms - Yahoo and Google. Simply follow these steps:

  • Log-in to your GoGoGuest email marketing account.
  • Head over to Settings
  • Then Email Setup
  • Access the super easy steps.  Non-technical email marketers can easily copy then paste the steps.
  • Send the code to your web developer or DNS site manager. They'll know exactly what to do! 
  • When the authentical code is implemented, simply let our support team know. We'll take it from there.

Voila! In just a matter of minutes.


The new email marketing standards set by Yahoo and Google are a call to action for restaurant businesses. By embracing these changes, restaurants can enhance their email marketing efforts, build stronger relationships with their customers, and drive more business. It's time to adapt and thrive in the digital age.

Elevate your restaurant's email marketing with GoGoGuest. Read our Guide: Email Marketing Personalization Trends for 2024 and Book a demo.

George Palacios
Customer Success

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